Rollstock vs. Pouches: Exploring the Best Packaging Solutions

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Packaging not only protects the product but also plays a big role in marketing the product. Roll packaging and pouches are two common packaging solutions in life. In this article, we will explore the differences between them and the advantages of each. You can make your own choice based on these points.

What is Rollstock

Rollstock is a continuous roll of film wrapped around a cardboard cylinder. Can also be called roll-fed packaging. The film would be cut and formed into the desired shape. It is widely used in many industries, very popular in dry food, pet food or candy. Plastic is often used as its materials, like polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyester. Unwinding the film from the roll, formed into desired shape, filled with product, then sealed and cut. It also has superior graphic reproduction, which is beneficial for shelf display. 

What is Pouches

Pouches can also be called preformed pouches, because they do not need to be formed during the packaging process because they are already formed. Common pouches include flat pouches, folding pouches and stand-up pouches. They also have high-quality graphics, making them conspicous on the shelf. Widely used in many industries, like food, cosmetics, and cleaning industries.

The Differences between Rollstock and Pouches

Equipment Using

Since pouches do not need to be formed during the packaging process, they require less equipment than rollstock. Like forming tube assemblies: the tube, collar, and mountings.

Rollstock packaging typically use Form Fill Seal (FFS) machine to form plastic film rolls into bags, filling materials, and then seal the bags.

Pouch packaging usually use premade pouch packaging machine, which automatically feeds and picks up pouches, codes them, opens the pouches, fills them with products, and then seals and outputs the pouches.

Space Required for Storage and Transportation

Rollstock comes in rolls. A single roll can produce a large number of packages and takes up relatively little space when stored. For the same reason, rollstock is easier to transport.

While pouches are pre-made bags and require storing various sizes and types of bags according to different product needs. So although pouches can be stacked, they still need a significant space because of their unique figures.

Generally speaking, pouches take up more storage space.

Production Flexibility

The production of rollstock packages are flexible, they can be created in different sizes and shapes as needed. Unlike premade bags, they can make more adjustments to the bags. Very suitable for high-speed production environments. 

Meanwhile, pouches have their own flexibility from another angle. They are easy to change. If you need to package different sizes, shapes or styles of bags and need to switch from time to time. You just buy different configurations of pouches. It’s very simple and easy.


Rollstock packaging is more cost-effective than pouch packaging. The materials are continuously used from large rolls, there is less material waste in the Rollstock production process. It improves the material utilization.

Printing Flexibility

Rollstock is printed on large rolls, allowing printing at any position along the roll. This enables quick adaptation to different packaging designs and specifications during production without the need to stop the machine.

Though pouches have limited space for printing, they also have their own flexibility. The flexibility of pouches makes them ideal for short-run production and diverse product lines. Different pouches can use different designs and colors without extensive preparation and switching times.

Packaging Accuracy

Rollstock is continuously printed and processed on large rolls. It helps to maintain consistency and precision in each package. Ensuring uniform size and shape for each package. Continuous production reduces human intervention and errors. The high degree of automation further guarantees packaging precision. So the rollstock package production is more accurate than the production of pouches.


Rollstock materials are purchased and stored in large rolls, leading to a lower cost per package. Pouches have various sizes and types, many of them have a unique figure. So they need a higher unit cost.

As I mentioned earlier, pouches need more space for storage or transport. So they have a higher transportation cost than rollstock.


Rollstock is highly customizable, it can be customized in different sizes and shapes with more diverse materials and with a high degree of consistency.

Pouches have a large variety of flexible designs and more additional function pouches. Like pouches with a window, with a nozzle, or with a zipper.

Product Protection

Generally, pouches offer better product protection. They are pre-made, can be equipped with advanced barrier materials. But rollstock are strong and durable, less likely to be damaged in transportation. 

Rollstock and Pouches: What do you choose?

If you need more functional options, such as with zipper, spout, you may prefer pouches. They are also a good choice for products that require a specific size or shape.

If you are searching for large volume packages, choose rollstock packages.

The final choice depends on the specific needs of your product.

For example, you can see many chips, popcorn and protein powders are packaged with rollstock. Because it works better when packaging big volume products. Rollstock is more durable, not easily damaged in the middle of transport. 

Rollstock is ideal for frozen and fresh food packaging. Because they are more resistant to cold temperatures and have excellent barrier properties to keep products fresh. Products like frozen vegetables and frozen meats, or ham and chicken.

While many premium snacks use pouches packaging. The pouches are more eye-catching, and better for shelf display. The bright packaging triggers your desire to buy.

And products like nuts, dried fruits, sauces, pet food, coffee beans, granola, and baby food often use pouches. Pouches have more functional bags and are just easy to use. Like coffee pouch zipper re-sealable design, you can take out the amount of it you need and reseal it for your next time use.


Both rollstock and pouches are very popular at the present time. You can make your choice according to your budget, production requirements, size of storage space and other factors. The nature of your product is a very important point, rolls are suitable for packaging high volume products while pouches are suitable for packaging small volume products. Also, pouch packaging is suitable for some premium snacks.



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