Ketchup 4 Sides Sealing Bag Packaging Solution

Ketchup 4 Sides Sealing Bag Packaging Machine

Country: Guinea
Packing material: Tomato paste
Packing bag type: 4 sides sealing bag
Package weight: 30 g and 70 g
Packing speed: 30-40bpm

Project description:

  1. Combine with customized paste dosing system, filling accuracy is high
  2. Equip with liquid level detect device, once the material is overflow or less than the set height, will have two way valve to control material filling process, to make sure material in the hopper keep the same level, further ensure the filling accuracy. At the same time can reach the goal of auto feeding material
  3. Four sides sealing with zigzag edge, easy to open, sealing effect is pretty and brief
  4. With output conveyor, to collect the finished product with a long transfer conveyor, will be more convenient for the after packing process

Ketchup 4 Sides Sealing Bag Packaging Machine

Please click below to watch the production process of  Sachet Packaging Machine.



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