Sea Salt Zipper Pouch Packaging Machine

Customer: South Africa
Packing Product: coarse sea salt and fine sea salt
Pack weight:250g and 500g
JR1S-300 pre-made pouch packing machine with dual head liner scale

-Dual Heads Linear Scale with fine feeder that more flexibility. Customers would like weighing and filling other products and mix products also, like salt with pepper and salt with small herbs.
-Dual Heads Linear Scale with 8 L hopper customized properly as requests
– Pre-made pouch packing machine equipped with Horizontal Pouch Feeder for pick up bag approx 200-250pcs/min
– Contact products parts all with SS316 materials for salt products
– With product settler device for dropped material tapping or for more than 1kg weight portion or puffy or light density material

JR Sea Salt Zipper Packaging Machine

Please click below to watch the production process of  premade pouch packaging machine.



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