Stick Pack Vs Sachet: What Packaging Is Best And Why?

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Confused about choosing one pack from stick and sachet? Don’t worry! Let me help you.

Both sachet and stick packaging have several unique features; you must choose one based on your application. For example, a stick pack is best for packing medicine and instant tea or coffee. However, a sachet is the best option for food and cosmetic items. 

Here, I have deeply discussed the distinction between sachet and stick packaging. So, let’s dive in to learn more-

Understanding Stick Pack Vs Sachet 

Stick packs are narrow, long, and single-dose. You can use these packs for powders, sugar, granules, etc. Also, they are sealed on two sides and are conveniently transportable. 

Instant Coffee Stick Packaging

On the other hand, sachet packages are generally best for reserved cosmetics, dairy products, and specific food products, such as baby food or soy sauce. These packages are normally sealed on three or four sides, so they have a very strong seal that will ensure safe transport and storage.

What Are The Difference Between Stick Pack Vs Sachet?

While sachet and stick packaging provide ease of use and convenience, they differ. Check them out-

  1. Form Of Packaging

Both packs have a distinction in the form of packaging. Stick packs are long, slim, rectangular tubes. They are usually made from single or multi-layered plastic or other materials. They also come with two sealed sides up and bottom and a tear-off tab for convenient opening.

In contrast, sachets come in wide shapes made from foil and similar materials. They are wider than the stick pack and sealed on three or four sides. You can open them by tearing them up. 

  1. Capacity

Capacity means these two packs differ in holding product quantities. For example, stick packs typically contain less quantities compared to sachets, such as 1 to 60 ml of liquid. However, when it comes to powder, they can reserve several grams. So, you can use stick packs to store dietary supplements, drinks, and instant tea

Sachets are designed to hold larger quantities of materials than stick packs, such as a few grams of grind or 1 to 10 ml of fluid. With this capacity, you can pack sugar, cream for dessert, condiments, lotion, shampoo, etc. 

  1. Cost

Well, sachet packs are cheaper compared to stick packs as they are versatile and more accessible to produce in smaller quantities. Meanwhile, stick packs come in certain forms and are required to manufacture machinery. 

  1. Industries

Stick packs and sachets are both used in food, pharmaceuticals, household chemicals, etc. However, stick packs are usually used in the medical industry. They are used for tablets, fluids, and powdered items. The tea and coffee packaging industry also uses these sticks to pack different coffee types and teas.

Whereas, sachets are mostly used in the chemical and food industries. Typically, they are used for single-use items like detergents and shampoo. 

  1. Required Machines

Here, let’s take a closer look at the stick pack machine and sachet pack machine in detail–

Stick Packaging Machine

For a stick pack, you need a machine with the best accuracy. Two kinds of equipment are available, these are-

  • Single-lane stick packaging machine

The single-lane tool comes with one molding mold and one feeding machine. And they can pack one product lane each time. The first fills the products into a single-pack bag. Then, the single-lane machine seals, cuts, and performs other processes to create a stick-pack product in a single row. 

  • Multi-lane stick packaging machine

This machine can pack two, four, or eight lanes of materials at the same time. The multi-lane stick pack machine puts materials into separate bags using feeders and molds. Then, it seals, cuts, and completes other steps to create multiple rows of stick packs. 

Sachet Packaging Machine

The sachet machine packs different products into flat and wide bags. This machine can hold powder, capsules, and cosmetics items. Let’s see two types of machines you can use for sachet packs-

  • Vertical sachet pack machine

With a vertical machine, you can pack a wide range of products, including solids, fluids, granules, and many more. This tool stands upright, with its body vertically situated. Therefore, it labels, seals, and fills packaging bags in the vertical direction. Besides, the vertical machine can automatically count, detect, and weigh the materials during the making.

  • Horizontal sachet pack machine

Unlike vertical machines, horizontal machines have higher speeds. They can pack various products in multiple bag shapes and sizes. Also, this horizontal machine can work with paper and plastic bags. So, with their high control ability and automated features, you can use them to fill products and seal bags horizontally. 

Stick Pack Vs Sachet: A Quick Distinction 

FeaturesStick PackSachet
Dosage PrecisionOffers precise dosageLess precise, especially for powders
PortabilityHighly portable and convenientGenerally portable, but can be bulkier
CostHigher manufacturing costMore cost-effective to produce
Packaging WasteProduces less wasteTends to produce more packaging waste
Ease of UseEasy to open and useSimple to open, but can be messier
VersatilityLimited to certain types of productsVersatile for a wide range of products
UsesPharmaceuticals, energy drinks, powdered supplementsCondiments, cosmetics, single-use items
Consumer PreferencePreferred for on-the-go consumptionPreferred for household and varied uses
Environmental ImpactGenerally more sustainable due to less material usageLess sustainable due to higher waste

What To Consider When Choosing Between Stick Pack Or Sachet Pack?

To choose the most suitable packaging, you should take into account a few things. These are–

  • First, you have to consider the product type and characteristics. Then, you can choose the best type for your needs by matching the packaging type with the products.
  • Stick and sachet packs are made from various package materials like foil, plastic, and fabric. So you can choose one for your needs. However, you should check their material’s durability, flexibility, and sustainability. 
  • Also, consider the amount of product you want in a stick pack and sachet. Both packages are best for specific amounts. So, go with one that matches your product quantities. 
  • Packaging speeds are another factor you should consider before choosing between a stick pack and a sachet pack. However, speed is primarily based on the equipment type and your manufacturing system. 
  • These two packs come in different shapes, so you can select one that fits your preferences and needs. You can go with a stick pack if you want a slim and long shape. However, for wide and flat shapes, select a sachet pack.


Stick packs and sachets differ in size, shape, and sealing. You should choose one by considering these features. Besides, a sachet pack can contain more products than a stick pack. However, stick pack are more popular for powder item packaging. So, if you want to get the best sachet machine, contact Honor Pack NOW!


How big is a sachet pack?

Typically, sachets are 90mm, 70mm, 36mm wide, and 40-120mm long. Therefore, you can select a pack size based on your product type and amount. If your product amount is slightly oversized, choose the big size. However, you can select tiny bags for a small amount.

How to size a stick pack?

To size a stick pack, you must determine the product volume and density. Then, select appropriate dimensions for length, width, and height. It’s best to consider the capacity of the machine and transportation facilities. 

Is there any difference between sachet and packet?

A sachet is a little flat bag that can be sealed on three or four sides. On the other hand, the packet comes in different shapes and sizes. Sachet is used widely for a single time, while packet can be used multiple times.  

What is the difference between sachet vs pouch?

The main difference between sachet and pouch is their uses. For instance, a sachet is typically used for a single time, while a pouch can used many times. Also, the pouch is larger than the sachet, so it can hold more products. Peel off masks, and the medications are packed with sachet. However, the pouch holds body wash, snacks, and other items. Not to mention that the sachet opening part is more convenient compared to the pouch. 

What is a stick pack?

A stick pack is a long, single-use bag for on-the-go packaging. It is sealed on both sides up and down and can hold a small amount of product. It is popular for storing liquids, gel, instant coffee, and many other items. 

Is there any difference between pack vs packet?

Usually, a pack refers to a group of products, whereas a packet means a single pouch. More specifically, a pack indicates a larger item, but a packet signifies one-time-used packaging. 

Please click below to watch the production process of Vertical Form Fill and Seal Packaging Machine.



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